Forge your Family Foundations in 20 Days

Create Something Worth Inheriting

Break the Curse

There is a cycle present in every modern culture.

The father builds. His son buys. His son sells. And his son begs (and has to rebuild).

There is a way to break this pattern.

To avoid atrophy.

To keep your family in a perpetual state of growth.

Not only this, but perpetually accumulate, and nourish a lasting culture that will outlive your grandchildren.

This course reveals how you break this cycle for your family.

Build Generational Wealth

Through cohesion and sustained cooperation, your family will create generational wealth to be utilized by future generations.

This isn’t the out-of-reach ‘old money’ the establishment would have you believe…

Generational wealth is relative.

Regardless of your current station, by applying the principles taught in this course you will elevate your family.

Dynasty Deliverer

Benjamin Black and Kids

Hi, I’m Benjamin Black. 

Founding Father. Dynasty Deliverer. Legacy Leaver. Alliteration Architect.

After the conception of our oldest, I turned my obsessive interest to the study of parenting and familial cohesion.

I’ve asked the awkward questions. Read the boring tomes. Put in the hours. 

Now I’m living it.

My family of 5 live on a patch of land in remote New Zealand, running a small family business portfolio.

I’m building traditions, bestowing values, and forging my family.

Leverage my experience to accelerate your family’s ascension.

Establish a Family Empire

Keep your Family Close

The fundamental layer to any dynasty is human capital – the constituent members that make the family.

Civilizations are founded on strong families, and the inheritance of one generation to the next.

Learn to emulate this in your own family and recapture the closeness your family needs to transcend time and remain connected beyond a couple of generations.

The lasting, multi-generational family you found will become your dynasty.

Avoid the modern trap that families fall into – the one that has resulted in families becoming more distant than any other point in history.

Leave a Lasting Legacy

By understanding a set of principles you can secure your family now and for generations to come.

However these principles are scattered and disparate and sometimes hidden inside the heads of people that have already accomplished this.

I’ve spent years studying these concepts, asking awkward questions and figuring out the formula to forge a dynasty.

Of all this I’ve distilled the core concepts to forge your family into a dynasty through this course.

You can use these concentrated ideas to alter the fate of your family, forever.

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Hand it All Down

You’ll learn and master concepts critical to building a lasting family. 

More importantly you will be able to hand the knowledge to your children and theirs after them to truly establish a lasting legacy.

Understanding, preserving and passing down intellectual capital (the second of the 4 types) is crucial to your family’s success.

How it Works

Twenty Day Dynasty, as the name implies, is an email course that takes place over 20 days.

Each day you will have a concept emailed directly into your inbox

You will learn about concepts such as:

  • The four categories of capital
  • The power of labelling
  • What it means to be a Founding Father
  • The responsibilities of the Founding Mother
  • Three methods to generate family capital
  • Your Family Council
  • Heirlooms – Material and Memetic

One focused subject will be covered daily for the sake of convenience and digestibility. 

This prevents overwhelm and gives you time to time to reflect on the concepts.

In 20 days from now, you will understand all the core concepts and mindsets that are essential to creating a thriving and enduring dynasty.

Learn to lay the groundwork for your dynasty, and push back against the pressures of the modern age.

Calibrated Kids Digital

BONUS: Calibrated Kids

Receive a digital copy of my early childhood development book, Calibrated Kids at no additional cost. 

Normally retails at $4.99!

Children's Nutrition 3d

BONUS: Nutrition E-book

Alongside the course you will also be sent a digital ebook to improve the nutritional value of your child’s diet.

Give them the optimal build blocks to develop the best body and mind.

Join over 180+ founding parents. Establish your empire, build a kingdom, & forge a multi-generational family.

Ben’s dynasty course is a must for anyone looking to improve their family. The lessons are impactful, and address all aspects of building a healthy and successful family. If you haven’t read this course, you’re missing out.​


Jake Montalbano


@JakeMontalbano on X

Create a legacy to sustain your family for generations.



Twenty condensed, digestible lessons. One per day, delivered to your inbox.

Answers to Common Questions

Does it really just take 20 days?


Forging your family into a dynasty is a lifelong sustained effort.

What this course will deliver is a condensed speed-run of the fundamental principles to lay the foundation so you can begin working towards transforming your family as soon as possible.

What's the Cost?

No charge.

In the emails you receive there may be an offer to a more in depth resource that will instruct you in establish

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