Families With an Emblem Last...

For Generations.

Will you become a Founding Father, or another forgotten one?

An all encompassing guide you help you create the perfect emblem to unify your family for >100 Years.

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Your Family Needs an Emblem.

Most families fail the test of time.

Every culture in the world has a saying ‘explaining why’.

But the one that most accurately portrays the cycle of severance for families is this:

The father builds. His son buys. His son sells. And his son begs.

Just 3 generations and 99.9% of families fail – when the solution is simple:

You build. Your son builds. His son builds. And his son builds.

Yet why, if it is this simple, do so many families crumble?

You’ve seen it before – even a modest inheritance tears a family apart.

The missing element?

Generational UNITY

Your family emblem is that symbol that unifies your family.

Family colors invoke emotion and familiarity.

A motto provides words to live by.

Heavily neglected by most families, they serve in shifting your family culture to one that will outlive you.

If you want your family to:

  • Cooperate to achieve greater heights
  • Band together into adulthood
  • Put the family first
  • Become stronger (not weaker) with each generation
  • Forge an empire
  • Continue to build on the foundation you lay
  • Defeat the 3-generation severance cycle of poverty

Then this course is for you.

Normally reserved for the elite, you can leverage this concept…

And reforge your family into a dynasty.

A family that sticks together can do anything.

Those that don’t will crumble.

Will you become a Founding Father, or another forgotten one?

What's Covered

Here’s what you get:

Through the content & videos of this guide, you will be left with a foundational element of your family empire.

Sending you on the path to transform your family into a multigenerational dynasty.


Inspiration Database

A comprehensive lists of symbols and their interpretations to ensure your family will be taken seriously.

Lifetime Updates

Your one time purchase will unlock lifetime access and unlimited updates.

I'm Here To Help

Benjamin Black and KidsHi, my name’s Ben Black.

I’m a Founding Father of 3 consciously working to forge my family into a generational dynasty.

While helping other men do the same.

After the conception of my daughter, I became obsessed with the difference between the families that last.

And those that don’t.

Invariably the ones that manage to outlive the 3 generation poverty cycle have one thing in common: Unity.

So I made it my mission to uncover the secrets of how families go on to become generational dynasties.

And it turns out…


What does is the culture and systems you consciously & intentionally establish in your lifetime.

Something that covers both of these core components is an Emblem.

Lost on the average (and failing) family in the modern age.

And now revealed to you in this guide.

With it you will steer your family away from mediocrity and onto multi-generational legacy.

Your Emblem, Color, and Motto Await

Its never too early to design your family emblem. Show the world your family matters.

Family Emblem Design Guide



I’ve got you covered.

What do you mean by 'Founding Father'?

If your intent is to unify your family across generations and elevate them, then you are a Founding Father (or Founding Mother).

While one day you will hand over the patriarchal (& matriarchal) torch to your son or grandson – you are the first and always will be. 

This is what earns you the irreplicable title of Family Founding Father.

Is this all I need to create a Dynasty?

It’s a good start.

Your dynasty comes from sustained effort to develop a culture and systems that will stand the test of time.

A family emblem is one of those systems (a symbol of unity) and one of the best places to start on the true path to forge your family.

Do I need graphic editing software?

Nope. This is a design course.

You will learn all the critical elements to include in your emblem, color and motto to represent your family.

I can’t turn you into an graphic artist overnight. (I wish I could!)

Instead you will learn how to contract the ideal artist to deliver a high end final product to your specification regardless of your budget.

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