To Men Building online

This Community is For You.

Join us & build your empire.

With us you:

The Foundry Logo Full

Start growing your business like you have 200,000 followers.

Without a network of like-minded men engaging with & sharing your work, its tough to make meaningful progress in your business.

The Foundry is the #1 group for family men growing their online empire leveraging 𝕏.

We’ll instantly expand your audience by connecting with our network of over 200,000 followers.

Stop listening to guys who only talk about growing a business.

Join men making it happen.

Enrollment is Currently Closed

But You Can Join The Waitlist

We’re currently not accepting any new members so we can focus on getting results for those currently in the group. Sign up for the waitlist to join the next enrollment.

When you join, over the course of 90 days you will:

Click below to be the first to know when we reopen so you can secure a spot.

We Get Results

It didn't stop there, Lincoln went from a 3 figure account to 10k in a matter of months & continues to grow.
Luke 17x'd his rate of growth within 4 weeks of joining us.
Alec has not only accelerated his X account but his business growth, also launching Dadschooling,the largest community for homeschooling fathers on the internet with a push from The Foundry.

Grow Your Empire Alongside Other Men

Don't fall into the 'Lone Wolf' trap.

A lone wolf dies alone on the prairie.

Trying to build on 𝕏 alone is hard. It’s a tough, slow grind when you don’t have allies to back you.

Plus you face an uphill struggle as you battle the urge to quit in the face of slow progress.

Working with a community of like-minded men makes it an easy, enjoyable process. 

All creators go through at least one of the following:

The Foundry solves all of this & more. We’re here to help you distribute your content, improve your writing, and learn systems to build fundamental assets for your business.

This is a premium network of creators (or aspiring ones) working together to make the world a little brighter through our content and businesses.

Join us and get connected to a network of like-minded men who are here to support you in your quest to grow.

More Results

Build a Brighter Future for Your Family

Forge a foundation for them to build upon.

If you’ve read this far, chances are you’re growing or want to build a business (if not an empire).

As men, husbands, & fathers we have a deep desire to provide for our families, one that is often undermined by modern culture.

Many of us want to give our wives the option to be full-time mothers, work the hours we choose in order to be more present, & have a positive impact on our the future for our children’s children.

But the modern day sees our roles diminished, our purchasing power stolen from under us, forced to work jobs we hate with hours we don’t love, doing commutes that cost us valuable time with our wife & children.

But the current era comes with an advantage most men don’t stake a claim to…

Never in history has it been easier to grow a business centered around your knowledge and fueled by your passion.

But you need a means to connect with people to show what you are passionate about & capable of.

𝕏 is THE best place to be a creator. Its fast, free, innovating, & has a user base of motivated men.

Use it as the top of your funnel – a digital asset to find & gather those you can help around you.

Best part is, once you’ve built the audience – you can leverage it over & over for all of your creations & offers.

Be it a YouTube Channel, Digital Products & Courses, Physical Goods, Coaching, Podcast, Books, or whatever you can imagine.

Grow an audience.

Grow your business.

Grow your authority.

Grow your family empire.

More Results

Create a Business On Your Terms

Build a life most men dream of.

Does any of this sound familiar?:

I’m sure there’s more you may have on your mind, but these are the most common I see.

Inside The Foundry, we help you achieve all of these.

Our philosophy is one of honor and unity.

The men inside help you overcome your limiting beliefs to build what you want in the world.

No crazy unrealistic promises like you’ll see everywhere else. Just real results, by real men.

More Results

Forge a Foundation For Your Future

Building online will change the fate of your family

Benjamin Black and KidsHey, I’m Ben Black –  founding father of 3, @Dynastus on 𝕏, creator of multiple digital products, & leader of The Foundry

Former electrician turned content creator, multiple business owner, investor, and entrepreneur.

I was an industrial electrician, but I felt a deep lack of fulfillment from the work changed my life to start fresh with my family in rural New Zealand.

After I took some time off to develop my land I was left with a choice..

Do I start something fulfilling, using my cumulative knowledge to help make the world a better place for my children?

Or go and find a job. Always wondering “what-if?”, and likely filled with regret of not chasing what I believed in.

I made the choice to build Dynastus.

Now I wake up feeling grateful that I have the opportunity to make a positive influence in the world, helping men make their families stronger while generating an income from it.

I get to spend my days working in my office on our property on hours & terms I set.

My kids visit me to tell me what they learned or are playing, and have 3 homecooked meals around the table a day with them and my wife, Zoe.

I stop work when I want to work on our rural homestead & teach my children the cumulative skills I have learned.

Don’t get me wrong – early on I was battling away on my own and growth was SLOW.

I would spend hours writing, commenting, reaching out, only to grow a little (or not at all) each day.

I’d reach out to guys only to be left on seen.

It took time and investment, but now I’ve made the mistakes. Done the experiments. Built a network. Made successful products.

Getting results like this:

As men, we dream of pursuing our dreams, spending time with our kids, and fulfilling our purpose.

But life’s demands often leave little time for creating something meaningful.

We can find energy for friends or hobbies; why not for building a business that excites you?

With the internet, building a fulfilling business around your knowledge & experience, fueled by your passion is 100% doable, but it requires work and investment in yourself.

If you’re ready to commit to yourself & your family now is the time to start.

Because on your deathbed, you won’t wish you’d played more video games, taken extra vacations, or bought another ‘thing’…

You’ll wish you took intelligent risks, spent time where it mattered, and built a lasting legacy for your children.

I put together this community to help you achieve your goals, and help spread your message.

With The Foundry, my experience, network, and audience is yours. 

PLUS those of the other men inside the group.

Join us, reap the benefits, and stop fighting alone.

More Results

Get Everything You Need

Leverage an all-in-one toolkit to build your empire


Expanding library of courses to help you refine your content to increase your impact on the world. ($100s of value & growing)


Get your content in front of hundreds-of thousands of people (even as a small creator), giving you ample opportunity to rapidly expand your audience.


Meet dozens of other likeminded men. All creating legacies for their family (or future family) to make the world just a little brighter.

Also Included:

More Results

Join a Line-up of Leaders

See for yourself how the gents of The Foundry fare

Thread Results Example

Luke's Journey:

Luke on X
Luke's account on 10th June 2024

He spent two full years building up his following on X and was only at 1200 followers..

That’s only 43 per month!

At this rate, it would have taken Luke 18 more years to get to 10,000 followers! His kids would all be adults by then!

Then he joined The Foundry, and in his 1st month with us he grew by OVER 800.

This is formerly over 1 years worth of effort in around 4 weeks.

The Foundry saved Luke 1 year of his life of grinding away to build his following in his first month with us.

At this rate he’ll have made 8 YEARS of progress by December.

And hit 10,000 followers in 10 months, but it probably won’t even take that long with the compounding effect.

Can you imagine what you could do with 1 year of progress in 1 month?

That’s what is happening to the men inside The Foundry.

Not once but ALL THE TIME.

Luke achieved 67% growth in 4 WEEKS

Or 17x his former rate of growth.

Think of all you could build with that kind of trajectory.

Not to mention the time you’d save that you could spend with your family. Or building other aspects of your business out.

The men of The Foundry are a brotherhood, supporting one another, sharing strategies, collaborating, & building together.

All while creating digital assets to make a difference in the world.

Joining has made such a large difference, it is altering the course of Luke’s career.

Every single day The Foundry helps its members by opening doors..

Impacting lives..

And SAVING the most precious thing of all..

TIME with your CHILDREN.

& “they” told you you can’t buy more of that lol.

You can spend years trying to make an impact.

And face an uphill struggle as you battle the urge to quit in the face of slow progress.

Or join The Foundry, plug into our audience of over 200,000, gain friends, & accountability..

And be the next success story, like another member, Lincoln:

Imagine being able to compress 1 years worth of goals into a month. 

Then imagine that compounding every single month after that.

What would your life look like after a few years of that?

If building & growing a business for your family is important to you..

Join us & get results like Luke, Lincoln & the rest of the men in The Foundry.

Common Questions

If you’re serious about building on 𝕏…

And still having time for your life and family.

This is for you.

We not only save you time in building your reach and network. 

We also offer prebuilt web templates that will save you countless hours of toil.

AND courses that let you skip the hard part and improve your content creation dramatically.

And don’t worry, you don’t HAVE to be a dad to join – but we only want men who are motivated & want to make the world a better place for the next generation.

I typically charge anywhere from $600 to $4000/month for my services – depending on what’s required.

But because of economy of scale you won’t pay even close to that.

You get access to me & all the benefits of The Foundry for $200/quarter.

And we’ll SAVE you time & effort accelerating your journey. Instead of having you spending months feeling like you’re yelling into the ether.

A small investment to save you hundreds of hours and give you exposure to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people.

Plus courses, guidance, and help to improve your content creation skills.

AND webhosting with a premium page builder that would normally cost you $$$ anyway. 

All this makes it a no brainer.

If you can find a better opportunity then take it, you’d be a fool not to.

We run collaborative engagement channels.

Up to ten guys are put in a rotation. When your turn rolls around you post your piece of content. Each of the guys will like, comment & repost it.

In exchange when it is not your turn you do the same for the other guys.

We’ve had guys grow by 1000s of followers in short order through this kickstart to their content.

Even if you only have a little time each day this will dramatically compound your efforts.

Even just 2 minutes a day will give you hours worth of results.

However, like most things you get out what you put in.

The more you participate, talk, and connect the greater the results you’ll get.

If you’re putting in a lot of effort anyway, The Foundry will be the lever that helps you move the world.

At the minimum we ask you participate in sharing other peoples content when you share your own.

This can take as little as 2 minutes a day..

..and will save you dozens of hours of time.

Which dramatically increases your growth beyond anything you can do toiling away alone, or with a couple of buddies.

The more you participate the faster and greater results you will get.

You’re encouraged to join the masterminds, group meetings & book in for the 1:1 coaching session.

But your hand won’t be held. If you want more focused attention then feel free to reach out to me inside the group for more focused coaching.

While we can’t build your entire website for you for our low cost, we can help you build it with our add on services..

..or point you in the right direction to learn.

We facilitate everything through the chat app Discord. 

All that’s required after signing up is the creation of a (free) Discord account, if you don’t have one already.

Once we receive your application it will be manually reviewed.

Then I (Benjamin Black) will reach out to you personally to schedule a time for a call, get you acquainted with the group, and help you grow!

Sure thing.

Actually, yes.

While we’re primarily a group of family oriented man, we accept people from parallel niches..

Eg: masculinity, fitness, philosophy, personal development, business, parenting, finance etc.

But if your content doesn’t gel with our values..

Isn’t family friendly..

Or if its NSFW.

Then this is NOT for you.

Go spread your garbage elsewhere (or better yet not at all).

Then get ready for that to change.

We’ve had guys who battled alone for 6 months to get to 100 followers suddenly grow by 50 in 1 day after joining and continuing that trajectory to grow to thousands in short order.

Likewise we’ve had multiple guys go from low 100’s to >1000 in a few short weeks.

If you want to go from yelling into the void to building authority online in a short span of time, you will benefit greatly from this group.

The Foundry is a community for men building online, primarily leveraging X. 

At the end of the quarterly (or semi annual) period you are invited on to remain a member & continue to reap the benefits of being part of the group.

A lot of guys don’t, but this is the same mentality that is a limiting belief in their success.

For a small investment you will save months of time of figuring things out.

Plus get results that thousands of dollars in ads would net you – with more sustainable results.

Running a group like this and the advantages it gives you costs us time & money. But by investing a fraction of what we do, it gives you an ROI you won’t find elsewhere. Time, connections, & knowledge.

The question you need to ask yourself is can you afford not to?

Then be ready for a life of suffering.

Nobody got anywhere without putting in work (even lottery winners lose it all if they don’t work to keep it).

We only want serious men that are willing to do the work.

If that isn’t you, then close this page and don’t look back.

Maybe go lie on the couch or something & always wonder “What if I’d just stuck with it?”

Join The Foundry

Forge your business. Grow your bottom line.

The Foundry is currently CLOSED for enrollment.

We reopen mid-October.

When we do, we only will for a brief time.

Put your details below and we’ll let you know as soon as we open spaces so you can secure your spot:

Apply for The Foundry:

You’ll also be added to our mailing list. Unsubscribe any time.



10% off

Enrollment closes soon.


Supercharge your business growth, and access features to accelerate your reach & revenue.


$360/6 Months

Membership Features:


Get where you’re going faster with exclusive & constant 1:1 assistance in establishing your online empire.


$5000/6 Months

Everything in Membership PLUS:

Payment processing handled by Gumroad, Stripe, & PayPal.

Copyright © 2024 Dynastus