A Tale of Two Towns, is an illustrated children’s book that weaves together parallel narratives, exploring the profound impacts of decision making and the value of delayed gratification.
This book will be released in paperback, hardcover (8.5″ wide x 11″ high) and digital formats.
Two nobles, Lee and Richard, are each granted management over identical pieces of land beneath the Edge of the World.
But legend has it that a dragon will strike each town in 10 year’s time.
Drastically different decisions are made by the nobles that are rule over the land. Decisions which have compounding consequences.
Which of these rulers will prove themselves worthy of the right to rule?
A Tale of Two Towns’ narrative and interwoven lessons provides parents with a resource to initiate a conversation to actively teach and encourage their children to develop crucial skills related to delayed gratification and decision-making.
I’m incredibly excited to share A Tale of Two Towns with you and I’d love to send you a sample.
From my family to yours,
Ben Black
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