Dynastus: Fix the Family
Fix the Future
Dynastus Hammer Anvil Seal w drip (black text)

Quick Links:

Expand Your Empire

Build your brand & business. Create revenue streams for your family.

The Foundry ($200/quarter)

An exclusive community to build your business and grow your revenue with đť•Ź.

Expand your empire like you already have 200,000 followers.

Turn impressions into revenue and develop lasting income streams through our established network, distribution channels, and a community eager to help.

Plus get personalized 1:1 guidance on the exact next steps you need take your business to the next level.

Inside, you’ll access courses, accountability, collaboration, feedback, and more – all designed to help you grow your business, your way, no matter what stage you’re at.

Join us today and start forging your empire.

Grow by 15,000+ Followers in 1 Year. (Free)

Want to make real progress toward building your đť•Ź account generating revenue?

This complete course will:

  • Teach you how to instantly get more impressions/followers.
  • The framework to generate revenue on (almost) autopilot.
  • Give you more time back, while creating highly sharable content.

In under a week you’ll be building your đť•Ź account like a pro.

And best of all, it’s free.

Dynasty Guides

Forge your family bonds and culture. Establish a legacy that outlives your grandkids.

20 Day Dynasty (Free)

A 20-day email course to lay the foundation to forge a legacy that will outlive your children.

Dynastus Podcast

A collection of shows on fatherhood, legacy, & family leadership. Listen and learn from the insights of the hosts & members what it takes to forge your dynasty.

Forge Your Family Vision ($0.99)

The perfect first step to forge your family into a Dynasty. Use your family vision as a bottomless well of motivation & become a Founding Father before you turn into another forgotten one.

Family Emblem Design Guide ($14)

Design a unique symbol of unity. Choose colors to inspire your descendants. Pen a motto as words to live by. A complete guide to design elements for your family emblem. 

Family Resources

Unlock the potential of your family, become a better leader, & build a bright future for your children.

Build a Better Brain (Free)

A free guide to give your child the capacity to surpass a naturally brighter child that has their mind impaired by hidden stress factors.

Shaping Stories Formula (Free)

A simple story telling system to peacefully resolve conflicts, teach morals, and bestow family values. 

Dad in a Day (Free)

A compact guide filled with easily implementable tips to make a positive impact on your family & increase your influence in less than 24 hours.

3 Weeks to Screen-Free Kids ($47)

Your child’s brain is being drained by devices. 

Phones, TV, consoles, computers, social media, and video games are influencing them more and more – driving them away from you and robbing them of their potential.

This is a complete, step-by-step guide to reset your child’s toxic relationship with electronic devices and tech in just 3 weeks.

There are 2 kinds of kids:

Ones that have their brains scrambled by devices.

And the ones that will rule the world.

Which will yours be?


Books for adults & children to strengthen your family.

Calibrated Kids (On Amazon)

When you parent, you aren’t just raising your kids, but every single person that descends from your genetics. Forever.

Use this book to make sure your descendants get off to the right start in life. 


A Tale of Two Towns (On Amazon)

Two nobles are granted identical pieces of land, threatened by a dragon attack. Each page turn reveals the impacts of their decisions. Which will earn the right to rule?

A book written and illustrated by Benjamin Black to teach your children the power of decision making and delayed gratification.

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